Thursday, September 20, 2007

only liberals

the liberals are completely mad and out of control. we as a country are not far from having complete anti God rule our country. Hollywood is a demonstration of this madness every day, and Americans can not stop watching what they do. Sallie Fields went on a mad rant against America when she was picking up her emmey award. Hollywood is out of touch with the truth, out of control with sex, and money. Hollywood is going to be a demonstration to the universe of the demolization of a nation.

Barry Manilow would not go on a tv program to promote his own bag of bones, because there is a mousey conservative on the show. One woman with moderate views, to the other three with what ever goes - goes.

a conservative in this day in age is someone with a reasonable opion, and common sense. In this day that view is seen as crazy- the libs will not tolerate common sense. the rebels are just about ready to rape any thing that is is good and virtueous. We are living in the days with the sand running out. I can not wait until goodness is restored, and the light to shine on the darkness and wipe it out.